A Day in the Life of an Author.

I normally wake at five am and listen to the BBC Overseas news, then the shipping for forecast and Radio 4 news. The religious five minutes is my signal to leave my bedroom and feed my cat Milly, a somewhat wilful creature but also endearing. She is a rescue cat, acquired with some bad habits having been teased as a kitten, I think.

Then the bathroom, I love a shower even if just a quick one, followed by dressing, breakfast and then by around six thirty, work, writing and writing. That may take me until lunch or I may if it is nice weather, go for a brisk thirty or forty minutes walk.

As I live in Norfolk, I have a choice of beach, woods or country lanes and I choose according to the weather and the tides.

Then lunch. I cook, mostly from scratch except I mostly use frozen vegetables as being single, I cannot eat them quickly enough to be fresh.

Afternoon is for editing the morning's work or perhaps seeing friends. In the summer I play bowls. I used to ride a Honda Hornet, 600cc, quicker 0 - 60 than a Ferrari but the bike is a bit heavy for me now. I also illegally ride an electric scooter, good for my balance mechanism and fun. I probably look like a witch on a broomstick flying along, but I am careful to avoid the police and thoughtful of pedestrians and other road users.

In the evening I read or watch TV. I love films, mostly older films that are not preoccupied with sex and violence.

At the moment I am working on a new novel, Georgia the heroine is a law student and her best friend is accused of matricide. Georgia has a hate love relationship with her friends lawyer. We will have to see whether things come right in the end. Well I already know, as you would expect.

In addition I have another novel appearing this year from the same publisher, 'Family Business', a teen novel. I also have behind that, an autobiography of my five years in Sierra Leone, from age 21 to 25 and a pocket history of what befell that nation in the years after Independence in 1961.

I also have a further novel of plot, intrigue and murder, to be published this year,' the Perfidy of Aunt Elvira', a dark tale of manipulation.

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